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Aluminum Stool with Backrest

Brand: Beach Line

Reference: TA208-072

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Aluminum Stool with Backrest A practical and comfortable stool ideal to take to the countryside or to the beach. Made of resistant reinforced aluminium, the aluminum stool with textile backrest can support up to 100kg, it is foldable and light to transport, its textile fiber backrest allows perspiration and offers great comfort.


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Aluminum Stool with Backrest

A practical and comfortable stool ideal to take to the countryside or to the beach.

Made of resistant reinforced aluminium, the aluminum stool with textile backrest can support up to 100kg, it is foldable and light to transport, its textile fiber backrest allows perspiration and offers great comfort.

Comments (1)

| 13/09/2023 | Verified purchase
Aluminum Stool with Backrest

Buenos días, los taburetes son como esperábamos pero aún no los hemos probado porque nos vamos de vacaciones en octubre. Muchas gracias por todo Un saludo

Store response | 13/09/2023

Estimado cliente, 

Gracias por este comentario tan agradable. Nos alegra que usted está satisfecho con nuestro servicio. 

Os deseamos unas muy buenas vacaciones. 

Atentamente, Juguetesland!

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The opinions and ratings of the products are mostly made by registered customers who have purchased the product. These reviews appear with a "verified purchase" mark. In any other case this mark does not appear. The rating of the product, out of 5 stars, is obtained with the average of all published reviews of the product. To ensure that the information is useful to other customers, comments and ratings, whether positive or negative, they are published after prior validation.

Questions (1)


Buenos días, me gustaría saber las medidas de la silla de aluminio con número de referencia TA208-072. Muchas gracias

Store response | 23/03/2023

Buenas tardes. 

Lamentamos el retraso de la respuesta!

Las medidas de la silla son: 38 cm. de ancho (silla abierta), 43 cm. de alto, 32,5 cm. respaldo, 59 cm. de alto (silla plegada), 40 cm. de fondo (plegada), 8 cm. de ancho (plegada).

Cualquier duda o pregunta estamos a su disposición. 

Atentamente, Juguetesland!

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