The toy story of Bizak begins in 1946, when Gabriel Guerra San Martin opened a small toy store in the city of Bilbao. Since then and for generations, Bizak has been in the world of toys, creating, developing, distributing and offering entertainment to the little ones in the house and their families.
The toy story of Bizak begins in 1946, when Gabriel Guerra San Martin opened a small toy store in the city of Bilbao. Since then and for generations, Bizak has been in the world of toys, creating, developing, distributing and offering entertainment to the little ones in the house and their families.
Today it distributes a wide range of products from childcare to advanced electronic products. It also collaborates with brands of great international prestige such as Disney, Pixar, Cartoon Network or Nickelodeon and also with such famous licenses as Paw Patrol, Pokemon, Minions, Toy Story, Ben and Holly, Powerpuff Girls, etc ... For all this, their toys are so popular with children.
Entertainment that makes a difference
Making life more fun is her passion. That through this fun the little ones in the house can better relate to the world around them and that families can spend time together, entertaining themselves. It is what motivates them every day to keep thinking, creating and developing entertainment products that meet those ends.
Quality and Safety
Bizak collaborates with the ICTI (International Council of Toy Industries) certificate The International Council of the Toy Industries (ICTI) adopted the ICTI Code of Good Business Practices to address potential issues in toy factories and promote ethical manufacturing throughout the world, particularly in China, where so many toys are made. Some recent achievements include recognition by the Leaders' Summit of the United Nations Global Compact Committee and by the International Chamber of Commerce, as well as the integration into the Governing Council of the ICTI CARE Foundation of the main NGOs for the protection of workers.
The ICTI CARE Process has gained a lot of support in a very short time, with more than 320 companies from 21 countries, representing approximately 80% of the global toy trade.
Imagination and Education
At Bizak they believe that it is very important to surprise and motivate children differently at each age. That is why they invest in technology and new game concepts. They look for products that allow children to develop their imagination, their skills and their creativity. Hours of fun always with an educational component.
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