It all starts with a young American named Walter Elias Disney, who loves trains and drawing. His entire childhood is spent on his farm in Missouri, where he lives the happiest years of his childhood. He studies an artistic career and graduates from the Kansas City Institute of the Arts, where he learns the basics of drawing techniques. Disney moves to Hollywood in 1923 with his brother Roy O and, under the passion of pencil art, begins to produce cartoons. In 1928, the most beloved and beloved mouse of all time appears for the first time: Mickey Mouse.
The Walt Disney Company, also known simply as Disney, is the world's largest American media and entertainment conglomerate. Founded by Walt Disney and Roy O. Disney. Based in Burbank, California. On October 16, 1923, the studio began to compete in 1928 against Fleischer Studios with Steamboat Willie and the Silly Symphonies short films; and in 1930 the production of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs begins, which will be released in 1937, which has been successful shortly after the company was founded, with a production value of 1,250,000 dollars. This feature film has made the company begin to gain recognition, to this day.
The Walt Disney Company is one of the largest entertainment producers and providers in the world, as well as a of the most recognized brands and loved by children and adults.
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