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History Observation Puzzle - Djeco

Brand: Djeco

Reference: 37470

Offer: £16.60
PVP: £18.30
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History Observation Puzzle - Djeco The observation puzzle is a 350-piece puzzle with a beautiful illustration by Djeco's hand. A complete puzzle that combines the classic puzzle with the game of searching for elements. Once finished, some elements appear on the edge of the puzzle to look for in the image. A perfect way to motivate the little ones to the activity of the puzzles. These help them with spatial vision, manual dexterity and concentration. Also at the end they are proud of the result. Recommended from 4 years onwards.


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History Observation Puzzle - Djeco

The observation puzzle is a 350-piece puzzle with a beautiful illustration by Djeco's hand. A complete puzzle that combines the classic puzzle with the game of searching for elements. Once finished, some elements appear on the edge of the puzzle to look for in the image. A perfect way to motivate the little ones to the activity of the puzzles. These help them with spatial vision, manual dexterity and concentration. Also at the end they are proud of the result.

Recommended from 4 years onwards.

Comments (1)

| 24/12/2024 | Verified purchase
History Observation Puzzle - Djeco

Nos ha encantado! Lo hemos comprado para una niña de 6 años y ha necesitado algo de ayuda pero ha conseguido montarlo. Una vez montado da mucho juego repasando las diferentes eras y todos los detalles que incluyen en su ilustración. Además viene con un poster del propio puzzle y un librito con una breve explicación de la historia que sirve de apoyo. Todo un acierto.

Store response | 26/12/2024

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¡Gracias por tu calificación y los buenos comentarios! Estamos muy contentos de que esté satisfecha con Juguetesland. Nos complace haber podido satisfacerle y esperamos que siga depositando su confianza en nosotros.

Saludos cordiales, Juguetesland!

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