In this Category you will find the best offers in children's kitchens and supermarkets, kitchen utensils among many others, and a world of accessories and toy accessories commonly used in homes around the world and that promote symbolic play for children. of the house. Imaginative (or pretend) play more specifically said, has many benefits for 2- to 7-year-olds.
Taking on different roles while playing also gives children a unique opportunity to learn social skills like communication, problem solving, and empathy. All of these are very necessary skills that your child needs to learn to grow into a happy and healthy person.
They favor their development, since they play autonomously, developing their imagination.
Imitation play with this type of toys is very beneficial, since they observe the elderly and their referents, imitating what they see and their situations with their toys, accelerating their development.
Boys and girls assimilate their experiences, strengthen their instincts.
The base of symbolic play is trained, developing their creativity, learning tasks and habits.
Encourages creativity: They can let their imagination run wild, having the possibility of exploring new scenarios, situations and looking for solutions, gradually getting to know themselves and their possibilities.
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