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Pink Panther Plush 1.20 cm

Brand: Marukatsu España

Reference: GM7604

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Pink Panther Plush 1.20 cm Giant stuffed toy The Pink Panther 1.20 cm. Story of the character of the Pink Panther (The Pink Phink) The film was released on March 20, 1963 and the cartoon in the credits attracted so much attention that the producers came to consider the viability of the character as an independent cartoon of the film. An animated short was made with the pink panther as the protagonist, entitled The Pink Phink, which, despite the short interval between its premiere and the Oscars ceremony held on April 13, 1964, won the Oscar for best short film. animated. Said short was actually the pilot chapter for the animated series La Pantera Rosa, which would later be developed and released. Recommended minimum age: 3 years and up.


More information

Pink Panther Plush 1.20 cm

Giant stuffed toy The Pink Panther 1.20 cm.

Story of the character of the Pink Panther (The Pink Phink)

The film was released on March 20, 1963 and the cartoon in the credits attracted so much attention that the producers came to consider the viability of the character as an independent cartoon of the film.

An animated short was made with the pink panther as the protagonist, entitled The Pink Phink, which, despite the short interval between its premiere and the Oscars ceremony held on April 13, 1964, won the Oscar for best short film. animated. Said short was actually the pilot chapter for the animated series La Pantera Rosa, which would later be developed and released.

Recommended minimum age: 3 years and up.

Comments (1)

| 14/12/2023 | Verified purchase
Pink Panther Plush 1.20 cm

la pantera rosa gigante e bellissima , e l ho posizionata seduta in una sedia nella mia camera da letto.... la cercavo da tempo una pantera rosa grande , e l ho trovata.... grazie.

Store response | 14/12/2023

Gentile Cliente,

Grazie per aver dedicato del tempo per pubblicare una recensione e sono felice di sapere che ti è piaciuto tutto.

Cordiali saluti, Juguetesland.

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The opinions and ratings of the products are mostly made by registered customers who have purchased the product. These reviews appear with a "verified purchase" mark. In any other case this mark does not appear. The rating of the product, out of 5 stars, is obtained with the average of all published reviews of the product. To ensure that the information is useful to other customers, comments and ratings, whether positive or negative, they are published after prior validation.

Questions (3)


Buongiorno, la pantera ha i baffi ? Grazie

Store response | 29/04/2024

Gentile cliente.

La pantera rosa ha i baffi.

Se avete domande, siamo a vostra disposizione.

Cordiali saluti, Juguetesland!


¿El brazo derecho de la pantera rosa permanece alzado permanentemente como se ve en la foto? ¿Podrían mandarme fotos de otros ángulos por favor? Atentamente

Store response | 19/07/2023

Estimado cliente, 

El artículo no tiene la forma permanente como a la imagen. 

Es un peluche con brazos y piernas que se pueden plegar o cruzar de  diferentes maneras. 

Cualquier duda estamos a su disposición. 

Atentamente, Juguetesland!


Hola! La pantera rosa es moldeable? La puedes poner en la manera que quieras y se aguanta como si llevase alambre dentro? Gracias!!

Store response | 03/10/2022

Buenos días !

El artículo no es moldeable. Es solo peluche y no se puede poner en diferentes posiciones, no se puede aguantar por si solo, necesita algún tipo de apoyo o ayuda. 

Cualquier duda o consulta estamos a su disposición.

Atentamente, Juguetesland! 

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